
2022年6月9日—D-LinkhasannouncedEndofServiceonDecember30,2022,foravarietyofdevices(DCS-935LH,DCS-8200LH,DCS-5025L,DSP-W110,DSP-W215, ...,2016年9月13日—MakesureyouarerunningthelatestversionofHomeAssistantbeforereportinganissue.Youshouldonlyfileanissueifyoufoundabug.,DSP-W110,智慧雲插座.DSP-W115,智慧雲插座.DSP-W118,迷你Wi-Fi智慧插座.DSP-W215,智慧雲插座.DSR-1000AC,整合型WirelessAC無線寬頻路由器.DS...

D-Link DSP-W215 smart plug OpenWrt support

2022年6月9日 — D-Link has announced End of Service on December 30, 2022, for a variety of devices (DCS-935LH, DCS-8200LH, DCS-5025L, DSP-W110, DSP-W215, ...

D-Link DSP

2016年9月13日 — Make sure you are running the latest version of Home Assistant before reporting an issue. You should only file an issue if you found a bug.


DSP-W110, 智慧雲插座. DSP-W115, 智慧雲插座. DSP-W118, 迷你Wi-Fi智慧插座. DSP-W215, 智慧雲插座. DSR-1000AC, 整合型Wireless AC 無線寬頻路由器. DSR-1000N, 整合型 ...

【超值組】D-Link DCH-S150移動感應器+DSP

【超值組】D-Link DCH-S150移動感應器+DSP-W110雲插座,感應器+雲插座超值組,DCH-S150:◎ WPS按鈕一鍵輕鬆完成設定◎ 當偵測到移動時,透過手機或平板電腦接收及時推播 ...


2017年7月13日 — Taipei, Taiwan - D-Link today announced that its mydlink Wi-Fi Smart Plugs (DSP-W215 and DSP-W110) are compatible with the Google Assistant ...

D-Link DSP

2022年6月9日 — D-Link has announced End of Service on December 30, 2022, for a variety of devices (DCS-935LH, DCS-8200LH, DCS-5025L, DSP-W110, DSP-W215, ...


2017年7月24日 — D-Link智慧雲插座DSP-W215 以及DSP-W110是mydlink系列產品中首先可支援Google Assistant之產品, D-Link將持續推出可與Google Assistant兼容之智慧家庭 ...


... (DSP-W110 / DSP-W215) devices using the Alexa App? What you need to begin: Amazon Echo; DSP-W215 and/or DSP-W110; Alexa App; mydlink® Home App; Your Amazon ...